mints fucking Burger Web Site Corner fuck you love pizza

so this is my Fucking Web site and i made this to Spite mt Fucking Stupid brother who locked me in his basement (IM NOT FUCKING LYING SO SHUT UP TO YOU People bitching IN MY FORUMS REPLIES)

you are all fucking stupid if you dont buy my FUCKING Burgers Becase you decide to support my stupid fuck shit ass lier mean brother who is a big fucking Shit Stain on this planetFuck HIm


do not come bpast this Fucking point if you supoort love pizza inc or stanley or Fucking Peter if you done that i fucking hate all of you just KNOW OK

ok so i will start writing now

big About ME PAGE


WHAT IS MY Nameits mint me name mint Okay

hhow old are me Fucker

300000000 and a halve fucking mint years Bitch FUCK YOUfuckeri dont give a shitBurger Gifs this isnt netscapeFuck FUCK FUCK No Leave exit No note pad Fuck Ok


i have a Video Game i and i want you  to play  it fucking ass Wipeclick image Pleasethis fucking gif wont point the way i Want it its fucking Pissing me off



number 3 Where do i get a Burger



answerFind my Burger and pay mer with your money if you have pizza and or is a pizza fan i want you to die so if you like pizza do not  eat my fucking burgers pleasephotograph of me beating a fucking Pizza to death i Dont fucking mess around ok


dont know who this guy is i Saw him while looking up for a Burger but he  looks funny so i put him here Cheese Man



stanley hate page

this part of tpage is dedicated to my Fucking stupid brother stanley who i hope will fall into a Pit and

brutally injure himself and Die slowly and painfuly and rot and hell for holding me captive THIS IS WHAT YOU get anyways im going to put some pictures of here i threw of me beating him up when i was eating this burger yesterday

 pretty Fucking cool rightshow this image to stanley if you want to Really hurt his feelings i know how bad stuff like this gets to him hes a big Wuss

more hate art

what a Loser

fun facts my gbrother stanley is such a loser that he keeps pizza in every room of his house and it smells like shit what a fucking stupid soy dumb ass


the love piza conspiracy

want to know why love pizza is so bad well its because they season their pizzas with fucking rat Poison sauce and make their perperonis out of fucking Melted Garbage also when youre done if you have a left over they will drive to your house pick it up and put it on the next guys pizza andpeople say there is a lot of mold and food pozoning so if you eat a pizza love pizza then you are probably going to die also they put ricen on their fucking pizza

fan art corner

for all the great people who have drawn me in the past i put your art here

i made this