Your Child?

If the gears do twist and turn right, a new door shall open. And with it lies many questions that have barely any answer.
The game is unfinished, yes. But it's insides are not. It's facade drops quickly, even without anything touched.

A story is told, albeit hard to piece together.

The Newmaker Plane is where the underground game takes place on. It is a vast almost empty patch of grass with much to explore, as hard as it is to find anything at all. Patience is key.

Inside the dull, one will find confusing things.


Recollections and short information of the most important people involved in some form with the game,


She was one of the Funkscop Kids who played the game many years ago. Unlike the other children she did a rather splendid performance, which led to Rainer's interest to peak.

At one point, he was trying to help her become Tiara so she could be a part of the family. Rainer was excessively eager about this, and started calling her like that before the process even took place. Even if the second movement of the Septet wasn't played correctly, the process would have still worked. But she gave up half way through.

It is said that there's still a space in the menu for her.

Carrie Mark

She was born on November 12, 1992. She was the daughter of Marvin Mark and Anna Mark (formerly Leskowitz), the cousin of Daniel and the niece of Thomas, Jill, and Lina. She got kidnapped by Marvin in June 5, 1997, who held her captive in an abandoned school until November 10, of the same year, when she managed to return home on her birthday.
he first played Funkscop arround 1995, and later after November 12, 1997. (Refer to the Generation 3 & 8 recordings ("care" "care-dancing-sign"  respectively.))

Paul Leskowitz

He's not as associated with the family as much as one might think. He does not remember the events that elapsed through June 5th, to November 10th.
He came into possesion of the game by chance, as it's thought Anna had the game after 2004, details are not well known.
At first he was doubtful of the connections of the game and him, but things became clearer in due time, even if indirect.

It is said his inputs were useful.

Marvin Mark

He is husband to Anna, father to Carrie, Friend to Lina.
Anna mentioned that Care wasn't developing any eyebrows. Marvin, in reply, says that's a puzzle. He was secretly very content to hear this news.
He once held Carrie's hand as they entered the abandoned school he seemed to have. On November 10, 1997, she got out of the building with her hands on her face, crying, convinced that no one would love her. She wanders the Newmaker Plane, unable to find a home, if such a place exists.
In 1977, he, his friend, and his friend's sister, who would later become her wife, visited a windmill, where she would take photos of both Marvin and Lina. However, the windmill disappeared alongside her, never to be seen in his eyes again. Minutes later, she took a picture of the scene where only Marvin remained.

Instead of putting up lost signs, he put up birthday girl signs, and sat on a bench alongside a cake, waiting for her. This did not work, however, to his greater disappointment.
You shouldn't worry.

Anna Mark

She is Marvin's wife, Lina's sister, Mike's aunt, and the mother of both Carrie and Benjamin. At some point in 1997 she seemed to enter an custody arrangement with Marvin, she won and evicted him. She left text for Mike in one of the original builds of Funkscop, before it ended on our hands. It read as following:

"Hi Michael! Consider this your BIRTHDAY card! (sorry I can't put money in it...)
When I heard how many kids were coming to your party I was impressed.
Thank your big brother for letting you and your friends play games all day and making you so popular.
Also thank your other Auntie for making this all possible. If you see her, I mean... not everyone can...
But anyway ....HAPPY 7TH! I'm so so so sorry that I couldn't be here. I hope my gift makes up for it... it's the one in the black box...
(CARRIE helped pick it out, thank her!!)
Opening gifts is so fun ....a lot of little mysteries, and all are solved... so "cathartic"
Anyway, I sure hope you have fun!! See you later!
Love you,
Auntie Anna
P.S. Whatever you do, please don't shake the box.

The text is followed with a black rosette, it is assumed this is her signature.

Benjamin Mark

At some point on a unknown date of April, 1997. Anna won custody for Benjamin Mark and Carrie Mark against Marvin Mark. Marvin abducted Carrie on June 5 of that year, taking her to his shuttered elementary school. When he noticed that Anna had left, Benjamin, who was in the adjacent room, called her. Anna called the police, went to home and awaited, while drinking to get some of it out of her mind.
In the days that followed, the family desperately looked for Carrie, while Anna took care of Benjamin. Over time, Anna began to succumb to her addiction.

One night, Anna took Benjamin to the car with her after coming home intoxicated early in the morning. Benjamin's arm was broken in the collision and had to be amputated because of the severity of his injuries. Ben, who was anxious, believed it was all his fault and blamed himself of the kidnapping of his sister.

He wanders the Newmaker Plane, unable to find a home, if such a place exists.


The House
The School
The Windmill



Collection of things for a small cohesive understanding of the game and it's narrative.

Surface & Hidden Game Connection

There is a two-entrance cabin next to Mike Hammond's grave. One travels underneath and the other to the actual shed. Above the basement door, a drawing of Carrie's face is seen. The ground level contains a gigantic white daisy that you can interact with to pluck petals out of it, a hoe, shovel and a shelf that contains crayons. The underground level contains Care NLM, (Which is implied to stand for 'Nobody Loves Me') sitting in a grass platform, that gradually descends when the petals are pulled out. In total, the flower has 16 petals.

In Rappers Care, in the Pen area, a treadmill can be found that by default is on 5 and can only go from 2 to 7.
In an alternate state of Rappers Care the treadmill can go from -1 to 16, even numbers are red. In order to catch Care NLM one has to turn the treadmill number into a negative, this is directly is referenced in her description where it states that "it is a lie, but it might not be a lie forever".

In Amber's area, activating one cage on a different side can affect what side the player can enter the Quitter Room as well.

Outside the house, a blue Tool may be found in the road. When approached, it will move away from the player until cornered, at which point it will begin to levitate. Behavior and way of obtaining is similar to that of Roneth's puzzle.


In an area of the game described as "Road Map" and that be only seen in a select recording ("auto-1lTWsbyV", One of Marvin's recordings) one will find 4 objects labed as "Caskets". The caskets are connected with specific events relating to Marvin and Carrie. The images below are not truly what was seen by those who played the game, but rather a simplified version of them found in the room mentioned, the real "Caskets" can turn people who see them into family.

- Casket 1   

A vase.

A yellow flower in a crimson vase. This alludes to an incident where Marvin started to point out Carrie's deformities in her hazy reflection, which made her "see" them.

Detailed description found inside the game is as following:

"This one is called "Casket 1".
You showed Care her red, blurry reflection in a vase.
You said, "Do you see that? Look at how ugly you are now."
Care squinted her eyes.
The reflection wasn't clear at all, but as you began to describe her grisly deformities, she began to "see" them.
"Nobody wants to see you like this," you said.
But she soon escaped, and bravely returned home.
In her bathroom mirror, she saw a clear picture.

- Casket 2

An upside red pyramid, the center resembling Carrie's head.

The event took place when Rainer begun to paint the house, feeling disgust when he saw Carrie spin.

Detailed description found inside the game is as following:

"This one is called "Casket 2".
As I painted, I watched Care dance around the house.
She liked to spin. She became a blur.
But in that blur, somehow, as she spun around...
From 45 degrees, to 90, to 180, to 360, to 720, 1080, 1440, 1800, 2160, winding, tightening, tightening
I was stunned by pure horror and disgust.

- Casket 3

Red stencils.

Arround the time Marvin got kicked out of the house, Anna asked Rainer to paint over the stencils Marvin made, utilizing black paint, he does so on a Saturday. Anna is at work that day, thus she left him a note detailing a list of items. It is implied this happened alongside Casket 2.

Detailed description found inside the game is as following:

"This one is called "Casket 3".
After kicking you out of the house, your wife started painting the walls black, to cover the stencils.
I helped. She made it feel urgent.
That Saturday, busy with work, she pinned a note.
It contained a list of objects.

- Casket 4

Five words written on a chalkboard, in the abandoned school Marvin inhabits.

Description found inside the game is as following:

"This one is called "Casket 4".
Five words, written on a chalkboard, in the dirty building that you inhabit.

Burn-In Monitor

The Burn-In monitor seems to be activated by a prolonged state of time without any input. The screen displays whats seen in the image followed by a loud alarm-like sound and the screen flashing orange, advising whoever is reading to not turn the console off and to call the given number.

After a while, it displays a view of an room containing a piano, bed, chair and monitor.
A red circle is displayed that when flashing updates position, representing the current location of the player if on one of the testing rooms.


Colors play a really important part on text and general, as it is speculated that they usually correspond to a specific person.

Yellow is associated with Carrie, her name and written dialog reflect this, and so does her bed in the House.

Blue is associated with Anna, as same as Care, her bed and text in-game reflect this. Instances of blue Tools connected to the house in some shape or form can be found as well.

Green is associated with Marvin. A list of objects that are connected to the color and him are as follows:
- Player Head
- The house
- The calendar (Days spend with Care)
- Green Tool (Found in School)
Randice's name in text is also marked as Green, however exact details or connections of this are not clear.

Tiara / Belle is associated with the color purple. Note found in Quitter's Room is purple as well.

Smaller details about colors:
- Ghost Room / Dial / Extra Stuff (all hidden menus) use orange.
- Surface game mostly uses colors pink, blue and white.
- Hidden game mostly uses colors yellow, green and black.

Shadow Monster

Shadow Monster Man is a fully black state that alters and cryptically retells real life events from 1977 through the game. It was supposedly mentioned in the note that was found alongside the game in 2017.

This state is seemingly accesible through a "glitch" (unknown if intentional or not) where one has to walk to the entrance of the underground level of the shack and then turn right before reaching the bottom, clipping through it. Fully entering the stairs instead of clipping through them seems to bring back the player back to normal.

Via this mode, one can access the windmill to retrieve pieces stuck in its engine with a white tool.


The recording showcases the Marvin character in the state described prior. It seems to be able to make multiple objects appear, although this has only been seen and done in this particular event.
Answers from Tool and the recording itself suggest that it is lost in the Newmaker Plane and wants to find "home". Recording "auto-1lTWsbyV" shows that Marvin had Toneth, who seems to be spawned by him in the recording event.

The character seems to make the game have a bizarre pink screen, in which the object in the center resembles that of a disk. It is assumed this screen is loading what the character uses to spawn things.


| 1994-2008 PlayStation | 1996 - 1998 Garalina | Created in September 6, 2000 |
Funkscop Discovery Pages is a site created for information purposes, and is not affliated with or endorsed by any of the companies listed.